I am an Entrepreneur. I love what I do. That I create products that people want to buy- to me, its amazing. Today, am managing a growing business, having learnt never to hurry and never to give up. It has not always been like this- let me rewind a little.
I studied Business Administration at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos, Nigeria. After my studies, I was posted to Osun State for NYSC. I served in a secondary school in Ede, Osun State. During my service year, I learnt some skills and among all of them, I really enjoyed making fashion bags.
I decided that I would start my business in that line so I started looking for a job as soon as I came home from service. I needed to save part of my salary so that I could have capital to start my business. I did not want to beg or borrow from anybody.
I know that some friends and family members may not support the idea, to them, building a career is very important, it does not matter what one is happy doing. There was nothing I could do about that , well-intentioned family and  friends will just have to realize that I mean to pursue my dreams of freedom to create, to prosper and to do what I like with my time-instead of being tied to a desk from sun up to sun down!
I got a job the month after I came back home from service, I started working with one of the new generation banks. I was happy that I had the opportunity to save capital for my business while my family and friends were happy that I had started building my career!
They got the shock of their lives when after five month, I resigned from the bank to start my own business-making bags for sale and teaching others how to make them. Check out the uproar. I am sure some of them felt that I had lost my mind, who would leave a banking job to start a small business?  Me!
There was nothing I did not hear. Beside the questions about why I left, why I chose business over career as young as I was, I was also told that I was acting like I knew everything – “over sabi” and that I would not meet any eligible suitor who would be interested in marrying me- those special breed were supposedly found only in the corporate environment.
During that period, there were times I felt like giving up because of the discouraging words I kept hearing. Few people supported me- I owe God, my soul mate, some members of my family and most of my friends for my success today as an entrepreneur- it was not easy!
When I started my business, I did not have so much cash in reserve, so I trusted God to see me through and He did. The very next day after I opened shop, I started selling bags- you cannot imagine my joy!
I kept making sales but my list of projects requiring finance was very long. I attended the University of Patience- I patiently held on to God as I took steps to expand my business. I went without food some days, trekked to and fro from the shop most days but through it all God never left me!
Today the story is different- the worst of the storm is over. I may not have accomplished all the dreams I have for my business but knowing that I am getting there makes me excited. I am successful already though some people still believe that I made a mistake!
I am not scared of the future- of messing up in my business so that my critics will say “I told you so”. Even though I may not know what the future holds but I know who holds the future and that is enough for me!
I would like to encourage you to keep on pressing forward and make sure that you enjoy the journey as well as the realization of your goals and dreams. You need courage to face the future and  God will not leave you alone. It is well with you!


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