Miley Cyrus: 'I'm one of the large-scale feminists in the world'
The 20-year vintage burst star said in a recent interview: "I tell women to not be scared of anything", and accused the double benchmark in humanity that donates men permission to act awfully but criticises women for doing so.
“For me, it’s not even that I’m a feminist, I’m for everyone for anything. As long as you’re breathing you should just find the best in everything,” she told wireless 1's Newsbeat.
previous this month, the singer said she was a feminist because she accepted she was "empowering to women".
She notified Cosmopolitan: “I’m a feminist in the way that I’m really empowering to women. I’m blaring and comical, and not typically beautiful.”
The "We Can't halt" vocalist faced a barrage of abuse following her presentation of "Blurred Lines" at the MTV VMAs in August, with a number of viewers admonishing her openly sexualised presentation.
Cyrus, although, said she was unphased by the contradictory remarks.
“I never concern about what I do on stage making me gaze bad,” she said. “I believe persons, if they really knew me, would be shocked at how normal I am. I don’t really walk round all day twerking with my tongue out dressed as a teddy bear.”
Cyrus' recent antics have divide attitude, with numerous saying her outfits and activities are no distinct to Lady Gaga or Rihanna's.
Feminist icon Gloria Steinem, 79, talked in protection of Miley after she was "slut-shamed" by critics, saying: “I desire we didn’t have to be nude to be observed but that’s the way the heritage is so women make conclusions. I believe that we need to change the heritage, not blame the people that are playing the only game that exists.”
Sinead O'Connor, however, wrote an open note to the star to alert that her shock-tactic antics were “absolutely not in any way an empowerment of yourself or any other young women”.
“Real empowerment of yourself as a woman would be to refuse to exploit your body or your sexuality in alignment for men to make cash from you,” she said.
But Cyrus notified Newsbeat she takes condemnation on the chin and knew it would only advance her record sales.
She said: “If someone talks about me then they habitually just say, ‘Miley who smoked a joint on stage had a record arrive out a few months ago’, then every person understands about my record and persons go purchase it.”
“If you have good pieces of music I believe you can wear any thing or do any thing, just be adept to back it up by what you’re doing."