Facebook Announces Quarterly Earning

No 1 Social media in the world, facebook.com earlier today(30/07/2015) announced their quarterly earning and community progress, the company which started as an ordinary website in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg has grown to become one of the most visited website in the world. and today they have been able to acquire more tech innovations and companies.
Below is a message from the founder and CEO of Facebook Inc
We just announced our quarterly earnings and gave an update on our community's progress.
1.49 billion people are now part of our community.
In 1876, the year the first telephone call was made, around 1.49 billion people were alive.
With each generation, the world is growing closer together. One day our community will connect everyone. Thank you for being a part of our mission and our community.
He has in his own way made an impact in the world.