
Showing posts from 2014

The Real Reason Pharrell Williams Doesn’t Age

The Real Reason Pharrell Doesn’t Age In an exclusive interview with Yahoo Beauty, American singer, Pharrell Williams revealed the secret behind his endless youthful appearance. Read the interview below: You seem to possess the remarkable ability of not aging. What’s your secret? Williams: Well, first of all, my mom and dad. I have to thank them. But also, maintenance! You know? Sustaining what you have. The most important thing you can do to look after your face is… you look after your face. Look at what you have going on; if you have a dermatologist, have that conversation. It doesn’t take augmentation to sustain—but to each his own. Read the full gist on

15 Inspirational Quotes to Motivate You in the New Year

The start of the New Year is a good time to reflect on the year past and to make a new start, whether in your career, your relationships or your health. Post these quotes in areas where you can see them as the year starts and keep them in mind throughout the year to help inspire you to make next year the best ever. Quotes for your career. If you are considering changing careers in the new year, or if you want to advance in your current career, there are many quotes that will inspire you to do what is necessary to achieve those goals. Once you have established the career goals you hope to reach this year, post these inspiring quotes in conspicuous places so that you see them often. They will help you focus on your goals and work toward success. “One of the huge mistakes people make is that they try to force an interest on themselves. You don't choose your passions; your passions choose you.” --Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon “A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it tak

Facebook, Apple, And Microsoft Gang Up On Google — And It Couldn't Happen At A Worse Time

Back in the old days, the big bad company in tech that all the other companies teamed-up against was Microsoft.  Microsoft was the evil empire. So, Apple and Google worked together to squash Microsoft. Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs used to mentor Google cofounders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google CEO Eric Schmidt used to sit on the Apple board. This is no longer the case.  These days, the common enemy is Google. In recent years, there have been a number of explicit and implicit partnerships between the three biggest companies in consumer technology — Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook. Some examples: Microsoft invested in Facebook at a $15 billion valuation back in 2007. Facebook generates massive ad revenues through its iOS app. Conceivably, Apple could ask for a piece of that business. It has not. Apple has integrated Facebook deeply into iOS. Microsoft powers Apple's Siri. All those Siri queries are improving Microsoft's machine-learning capabilities versus Google

20 Easy Steps To Become A Millionaire

While you may be looking to make your first million off of your business alone, the fact of the matter is that becoming a millionaire does not just come about by raking in profits from your business. It arises from the decisions that you make in your day-to-day life as well. There are more millionaires than ever nowadays, and it's not because the financial market is good; in fact, it is pretty common  knowledge  that the economy has definitely seen better days, and the people able to find success in it know how to act accordingly. To become the next millionaire, you will need to blend business practices with responsible financial decisions in order to both maximize profits and squirrel away some cash for the winter. Even though this is easier said than done, the things that you have to do to become the next millionaire are theoretically fairly easy. 1. Buy the things you need rather than the things you want. Even though one of the reasons people strive to become millionaires

How to make a Shutdown Timer in Windows

There are so many software available that can make your PC shut down at any pre-defined time.  But have you ever wonder you can make your PC shut down timer easily without downloading any software. You may laugh on it as it seems so simple trick but many people still needs it . So , here i am going to tell you two simple methods to make a PC shutdown timer. Method 1: This method is very simple . You can do this by creating a shortcut file and than enter the location of shutdown timer. Here are the steps to follow: Right click on your desktop and choose “New=>shortcuts”. In the box that says “Type the location of the shortcut”, type in ‘ shutdown -s -t 3600′  without the quotation marks and click next. ( Here 3600 are the amount of seconds before your computer shuts down.) Make up a name for the shortcut and you’re done. TO ABORT this : Once you start shutdown timer , you will need to create another shortcut as you created earlier but this time you will have to provide

5 Reasons You Should Have Sex With Your Husband Every Night

I was getting a manicure the first time I learned that not all wives want to, ahem, go for a roll in the hay with their husbands. I was 16 and had picked out orange nail polish (oh, sixteen). I had a book with me but it wasn't long before I found another source of entertainment. In-between buffings and polishings, the two women next to me talked about how much their husbands wanted IT and how little they wanted to give IT. For a girl that had not even been asked out on a date this was a whole new world. I had a suspicion that their experience was more realistic than the articles I sneaky read in Cosmo while getting my hair done at the salon. (I am supposed to put my hand WHERE? while simultaneously doing WHAT?) So I kept my eyes on my book, let the words blur into lines and listened closely. "Doesn't he know how tired I am by the end of the day? As if after the kids are finally asleep I have the energy to do anything but sit down and watch some TV." "For me,

How to Become a Qualified and Professional Ethical Hacker

 From the last few years, there's been an increasing demand for ethical hackers (also known as white hat hackers) as they protect the systems and other devices from dangerous intrusions. Ethical hackers are technically skilled IT pros who have a strong desire to solve problems and prevent malicious hackers from causing damage to network systems. You would be thinking "HOW TO BECOME AN ETHICAL HACKER" To be a professional ethical hacker you require motivation, dedication, initiative, self-education and formal training in ethical hacking.  1 Know about the pros and cons !  There are basically 3 types of hackers, such as White Hat, Grey Hat and Black Hat hackers.    2 Seek out job opportunities for ethical hackers.  There are many jobs available in government organizations, banks, financial institutions, military establishments and private companies which are also giving high salary to professionals!    3 Analyze the basic requirements to become an eth

So Sad! Yezidi women in Iraq and girls face harrowing sexual violence

A girl in Khakhe camp who was a victim of abuse by the armed group calling itself Islamic State. © Amnesty International. Torture, including rape and other forms of sexual violence, suffered by women and girls from Iraq’s Yezidi minority who were abducted by the armed group calling itself the Islamic State (IS), highlights the savagery of IS rule, said Amnesty International in a new briefing today.  Escape from hell- Torture, sexual slavery in Islamic State captivity in Iraq provides an insight into the horrifying abuse suffered by hundreds and possibly thousands of Yezidi women and girls who have been forcibly married, “sold” or given as “gifts” to IS fighters or their supporters. Often, captives were forced to convert to Islam. “Hundreds of Yezidi women and girls have had their lives shattered by the horrors of sexual violence and sexual slavery in IS captivity,” said Donatella Rovera, Amnesty International’s Senior Crisis Response Advisor, who spoke to more th

Tips to stay safe on the Internet

Within the modern digital era that we live in today, we are constantly connected to the Internet either through a desktop PC, laptop, tablet or mobile phone.It has become easier than ever for government authorities, businesses and also hackers to track your movements online. An example is the use of tracking cookies by social media giant Facebook, which trace your IP address and Internet history in order to tailor the ads to you specifically. Here is an example of the kind of data that is collected: We will show you the methods and techniques to browse the Internet care free, for peace of mind. The best way to surf the web is anonymously using something called a proxy. When using a proxy your web browser doesn’t contact the website directly it goes through a proxy first masking your IP address. There are several methods to achieve this, you can configure your web browser to do so or use alternative software. First of all we will show you how to configure your web brow

3 Money Mistakes You Must Fix to Get Rich

I get a lot of questions about how to get rich, and I always give the same answer. Don’t spend too much. Mostly save. Always invest. Seems simple enough, right? Yet so many people do the exact opposite -- invest poorly, spend way too much, save almost nothing, and remain willfully ignorant about their finances. Why? Because they don’t understand their relationship to money. The first step in changing money habits is taking a cold hard look at your financial input and output. Here’s what you need to do: boil your money matters down to one simple number by adding up all your earnings and subtracting all your expenditures over three months. I call this your 90-day number. Once you write that 90-day number down you’ll be faced with one of two truths. Your number is positive. Congratulations, you’re one of the few people taking in more money than you spend! Your number is in the negatives, and like the majority of men and women, you spend more than you make. The good new

North Korea Under Cyberattack

It seems the end is not over for the Sony Hack as news is reaching us that North Korea, who is the prime suspect in the Sony hack has been experiencing frequent outages in their internet network since Sunday, 21st 2014. Nobody has come out to claim responsibility for the attack, we can only sit and watch the outcome of all these and hope it wont lead to a full blown war between the communist and capitalist. Read the full story on North Korea Tech is reporting , via Vox , that there are frequent outages on North Korea's internet network. This chart from Dyn Research shows that North Korean websites are currently going through regular outages:

'Seven Wonders of Nigeria'

First, it’s the Obudu Mountain Resort, Cross River State. Then comes the Idanre Hills, Ondo State, the Sukur Kingdom, Adamawa State, the Kano Walls, Kano State, the Benin Moats, Edo State, and the Osun Groove, Osogbo, Osun State. Don’t forget the National War Museum, Umuahia, Abia State.   These cultural sites were chosen by the Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation through a committee. The NTDC is set to market tourism destinations across the country. According to the NTDC Director General, Otunba Olusegun Runsewe, these seven sites will be accorded special consideration given their unique features as endorsed by voters of the project, Naija 7 Wonders.   The committee headed by Mr. Ikechi Uko, informed Otunba Runsewe, during a visit to the tourism village, Abuja, that the essence of the project was to promote tourism in Nigeria and instill national pride in Nigerians.   Mr. Ikechi further explained the essence of the project noting that it commenced about

Antiques lovers flocking to Eko Hotel Art and Craft Market

                                      Eko Hotel Arts and Craft Market specialises in African paintings, engraved and sculpured rate gifts and souverniers. The art and craft market is idlic located within the premises of the Eko hotel and Suites which itself is in the heart and business area in Victoria island, Lagos. The Market is made of different traders but has an organised structure with a head trader who appointed as the chairman of the traders union to regulate and control the quality of what is sold and other activities within the Market. Eko Hotel Arts and Craft Market has been operating for over 30 years and gets its raw materials like the ebony wood, beads, leather, rafia, brass and bronze from various places around the country like Benin city in Edo State , Northern part of Nigeria , Ivory coast and Ghana . At the market, you get to see beads, jewelries and other works made a

Interview with Bishop David Abioye, Senior Pastor Of Living Faith Church, Goshen City

Bishop David Olatunji Abioye is in the top echelon of Living Faith Church Worldwide, one of the leading Pentecostal churches in Nigeria with over 5,000 branches worldwide. The Senior Pastor of Winners Chapel, Goshen City, a sprawling church and community development occupying a large expanse of land on the outskirts of Abuja, capital of Nigeria, he is a father-figure and mentor to hundreds of thousands of people all over the world . African Leadership Magazine pried into his rather reclusive persona in an attempt to deconstruct the enigma that he is. Excerpts: Who is Bishop David Abioye, what was growing up like, which particular experiences in your past would you say shaped your future?  Thank you for the privilege of this interview. My name is David Abioye. I was privileged by God to come into this beautiful world fifty two years’ ago. I have had the awesome opportunity to serve in the family of Living Faith Church since inception. E